CSSI Web Report Updates

Unrealized Gain Report

ugain1.rep is a variation on the standard unrealized gain report that conveniently splits out long and short term gains.  The date logic that was used caused securities held just short of a full year to show as long term gains when they are actually short term gains.  The functionality of the report was improved to resolve this misclassification. The following example shows the report output before and after the update.

Original: Notice that for 12-15-08, 20,324 is shown as long.

ugain beforePNG

Updated: This gain now correctly shows as short.

ugain after


Performance History for Selected Periods

Performance History for Selected Periods report allows the user to show a wide range of dates. However, the longest fixed period that is available is five years. We have frequent requests to add seven and ten year periods, so we have put that on the web site. _perhsum3.rep is for Axys, and cssi_perhsum3.rep is for APX.
The following shows the new 7 year and 10 year options which are now available with the _perhsum3.rep and cssi_perhsum3.rep reports.
