Portfolio Accounting is the backbone of an investment firms operation and reporting process.  With CyGem™ you get all the reporting, packaging, and decision making tools to run your firm without the headaches of running a full service backoffice operation.  This allows your firm to concentrate on the big picture of servicing your customers while CyGem’s™ professional team manages the process.  CyGem’s™ Portal provides your entire Investment Team, Client Services Team, and Operations Team with all the tools they need.

CyGem™ provides: Your Investment Advisors with access standard Data Visualizations that answer their questions about portfolio allocation, performance, realized gains, and unrealized gains.  That they can use for decision making and talking to their customers on a daily basis.

CyGem™ provides: Your Client Services Team with over 40+ reports that are client facing ready that can be provided to Advisors and to Advisors customers.  The Client Services Team can also create report packages that can be delivered to customers through the Document Vault,

CyGem™ provides: Your Operations Teams with have all the capabilities listed above along with ability to run reports across the entire firm and manage report packages that could be delivered to the Document Vault  or downloaded and printed.

CyGem™ provides: Your Entire Firm with Security by using dual authentication for access, allowing the firm to restrict employee access to segments of the customer base and limiting their access to just the components that they need.

Pricing is all inclusive for reconciliation, custodian feeds, software, security and web access.  This is your turnkey solution to learn more contact ccruz@cssi.org.